I just splurged and bought myself a Christmas present. Nothing major, just two of the nice, hard cover, Books of Wonder editions of two of the Oz books. I’ve been wanting all of them for ages but I never buy them cause I’ve already got (or had) paperback editions of all of them, and the hardback Books of Wonder are about $15-20… I just never feel like spending an extra 20 for books I already have. But they’re sooo nice, with Neill’s illustrations in colour and everything. One of the ones I got is one that I lost back in high school and never bought again, so I haven’t read it in a long time. I can’t wait for it to come. I bet it’ll come after I leave for Mema’s, though… I got the free super saver shipping. If it comes while I’m gone I’m going to tell mom to just go ahead and wrap it and put a tag on it that says “To: Kell From: Kell”
Lifetime is going to make a movie about me. It’s going to be called “The Story of Kell: Discovering the Christmas Spirit.”
Today I found out that Cath doesn’t even have hotel reservations for that football game next week. I decided not to go to the game sometime last week, and when I heard that she didn’t even have rooms yet – BY NOW, I mean, I was SO RELIEVED I’m not going.
That intense relief that I’m not going combined with the absolute joy of going to my grandmother’s next week = HUGE HAPPY CHRISTMAS SPIRIT!
So I thought it would make a good lifetime movie. With crappy dramatic music and everything. Ash and I were being silly at work, I’m not really sure how the idea about a movie came about… anyway, I want Lisa Kudrow to play me. JLo would play Catherine. Also may star the following: Will Ferrell, Erik Estrada, Lucy Liu, Jackie Chan, Miles O’Keefe and Lisa Marie Presley.
I’m taking FF7 to Mema’s next week, too. Yay!
So like last night, I spent the night at my aunt’s. Everytime I do, I always wake up in the middle of the night, sneak downstairs, get some Ritz and eat a few, and then go back to bed. I always do this at my aunt’s, nowhere else. But anyway, while I was having my Ritz last night, there was an infomercial on for Ronco knives. You know, the kind that can saw a hammer and not go dull? That comes with like 47 knives for 3 easy payments of 13.33?
I was *this* close to ordering a set. I don’t need knives. I don’t know what I was thinking. They just looked so cool… at 3 AM. Now… what was I thinking?
Everything looks cooler at 3:00 AM. That’s why infomercials work.
– GypsyJr
Your Lifetime movie of the week needs…MORE COWBELL!!!!
–Claudia LL
…because you said “What was I thinking?” I am now obligated to sing Deirks Bentley’s “What was I Thinking?!” ::opens mouth but gets tackled by the hundreds of people that read Kell’s blog that don’t like country ^_^;;::